Are you still waiting for candidates to respond on your careers page? Or waiting for your LinekdIn post to go viral?

The traditional hiring process is going through a massive overhaul, and cringy job description posts will just not cut it.

Be it a job seeker or a job provider, the main question now is - What do you bring to the table? 

A tailored hiring approach that fits the job role. 

Here are some examples of how job seekers tailor their resumes to suit the job requirement. 

When Eric Gandhi was on the hunt for a job as a web designer, he decided to use the web to help him land the role.

A graphic designer's résumé literally showing off her tailoring skills

While we have seen candidates working hard to come up with the most creative way of showing they possess the skills for that job, some brands are also putting their best foot forward when it comes to creating hiring or recruitment campaigns that will attract the right talent.

Cool Guy

So, here’s how job providers are incorporating a twist to their traditional recruitment strategies to land some great talent.

Use strategic communication


The recruitment ad campaign by Dominos clearly shows how well the brand understands its audience. With the oncoming winter season and football championship, their team anticipated the surge in hot pizza sales. In a bid to address this demand, they rolled out an ad to call in-store staff, delivery drivers and pizza makers.

Leverage the culture of your organisation


One of the leading global providers of CX Solutions + Technology, Concentrix recruitment marketing aims to attract Gen Z. With this generation in particular, it is not easy to grab their attention. But Concentrix runs campaigns that are relatable and fun with messaging created to build easy recall.

Notice how vibrant and funky this campaign is. This is a new style that brands and businesses have adopted to be mobile-friendly and attractive to the young generation. 

Let us try to understand how to make communication more interesting with the help of a few examples.

Experiment with social media


It is quite rare to talk about interesting campaigns and not talk about Zomato!

Zomato is known for its creative and witty campaigns, and this recruitment ad displays exactly that.

Cool Guy

Let's talk about how organisations are using creative ways to improve the quality of hiring while attracting more and more diverse job candidates.

Create intrigue through innovation

Some companies like Apple and IKEA are turning their job posts into riddles and questions

IKEA places career-assembling instructions in its products to attract candidates from its customer base.

Apple created a job ad hidden on random pages on the company’s site. A no-cost recruitment strategy example that’s fun for candidates.

Now, let us jump to the most interesting section of exploring some really whacky recruitment examples.

Cool Guy

Let’s focus on these smart, eye-catching job advertisement examples that not only managed to stand out from the crowd but did so in a way that conveyed their culture and shared their brand story.

Bud Light

Recently Bud Light made headlines for posting this position full of hilarious lines befitting a meme-focused role, from the acknowledgement that “our memes are trash”.


On first look, one might assume it is an Apple ad. But no, it is not. This is from Tonic, a creative advertising and digital branding agency based in Dubai. But it caught your attention, didn’t it? Even if you are not the target audience, such ads often stimulate your creativity to deliver something even better!


McDonald’s in Sweden came up with this brilliant ad that demands your attention. At first, you might think you are reading a racist rant… but read the fine print. Yup, this is actually quite wholesome!

Acquiring talent for the long haul

To attract the best talent, the need of the hour is to rethink their recruitment strategy.

A brand should remember that its audience is looking at more than just direct hiring posts or ads. A marketing effort put out by an organisation in their hiring process often tells the potential job seekers about the kind of relationship they will be able to build with it. With social media helping organisations to showcase their culture on a public platform, they should be leveraging it to create a desire among the target talent to work with them.

Here are four factors that can help a brand to look at recruitment from a more integrated approach:

  • - Strengthening employer branding
  • - Talking about their social responsibility initiatives
  • - Tech-immersed recruitment experience
  • - Being more than a recruiter, being a trusted advisor

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Archana Arora2023-02-15

Interesting recruitment ads that are not just a template, speak a lot about the work an organisation does or aspires to do and therefore, the kind of people they want to hire.

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